Thursday 12 November 2015

Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

I went on to a website called ‘Art of the title’ and watched the opening scene of a movie called se7en. This opening scene included credits and pictures. What i learnt from doing this is that there are more credits than what I thought, I was thinking that there would be about 10 max but actually there was around 40-50. I was really surprised when I found out how many there were.

 The first thing I done was watch the credits of the film Se7en and every time a credit came up I paused it and wrote down what it said and what time it was on.
 Second I looked at the credits again but looked to say how the Typography was used such as fonts, size and colour etc was different in each of the credits.
 Third  I looked visual elements of the opening credits, I looked at the opening scene again and wrote down everything i saw like the credits but this time for the pictures.
Fourth I looked at the elements of sound, I watched the opening scene again but looked away from the screen so I couldn’t see it then I noted down everything that I heard.

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