Friday 13 November 2015

Research : The Importance Of Sound In Horror

The purpose of a horror films is to scare its viewer and the director will do this in all different ways. Scenes in horror films can usually be graphic and may contain images that are meant to scare you and the movie coincidently keeps our attention so we do no miss a thing. The can not only set the tone and how the events are  going to unfold but it never distracts the visuals from the experiences.

The reason that people get scared during horror films is the music and sound effects that help create tension. If these audio features were not used during horror films, they would simply not be as scary. If you were to turn the volume down when you are watching a horror film you would realise the significance of well-composed music and sound effects that help create a truly terrifying experience. 

Music plays a key role in a horror film because it immediately sets the tone. It also helps the director to set the mood of the scene and film. There is many ways to build up if something is going to happen here is some examples. A long eerie musical build-up suggests that a big event is just around the corner. A rapid sequence might suggest stress or panic, making the audience feel anxious. Music may progressively build to signify that a dramatic event is about to happen or it may be upbeat to lighten the mood. Music is the biggest contributor to getting the viewer’s adrenaline pumping. The viewer can feel scared before any events transpire based on how effectively and artistically music is being played in the background. A horror film with no music or the wrong music can not scare the viewer at all in-fact it could even make it funny or just boring to watch. 

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